Data Protection Policy and procedures
In common with other Clubs and Organisations that collect and hold personal data, the Probus Club of Godalming is subject to the provisions of Data Protection legislation. From the 25 May 2018 this requires compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). This note explains the Club's data protection policy and procedures.
In applying for membership to the Probus Club of Godalming all applicants are requested to provide some personal information about themselves. This currently includes contact details (e.g. name, address, telephone number, email etc.) partner’s name, date of birth, interests and hobbies etc. Thumbprint photographs are also taken on becoming a member to aid identification. This data is retained and used by the Club solely for administering the Club’s affairs and is not passed on or sold to any third party or other organisation.
To enable the efficient administration of Club affairs, members’ details are held on a computer database, spreadsheet or lists, administered by the Club Secretary and made available to other officers of the Club as required. Such information is only used for Club affairs and data relating to ex-members is removed as soon as practicable. Particular care is taken to ensure that members’ data held on personally administered computers are kept safe and secure using encryption and/or password protection where appropriate.
Occasionally, personal information is included in a consolidated "Membership list" which is distributed to the members either in a printed or electronic form.Where the latter is used, (e.g. by email distribution) encryption and/or password protection is applied to minimise the risk of unauthorised access. Individual members who do not want some or all of their personal details included in such lists can opt for this to be excluded on application to the Club Secretary.
In addition to data held on personal computers, members data may also be uploaded to a "Members Area" within the Club’s website ( where access is restricted solely to members using a personally generated password. The company used to host the Club website uses industry recognised security and privacy procedures, including encryption, to protect such uploaded data from unauthorised access. Details of the hosting company's Terms of Use, Security and Privacy statements are viewable online ( or on application to the Club webmaster. Similar to printed and electronically distributed membership data, individual members who do not want some or all of their personal details uploaded to the Club website can opt to have their details excluded on application to the Club Secretary.
As required by the GDPR, members are required to confirm approval to the use of their personal data in accordance with the above policy and procedures.