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Some frequently asked questions

What is PROBUS?    Simply it is a social gathering for retired men focussed around a monthly meal with a speaker. Other activities include a walking group, a coffee morning and several outings each year. The group is not affiliated to any other organisation and has no political or religious aims.


Are there many PROBUS groups?  Most towns in the UK have a group and there are overseas groups also. Locally there are groups in Milford, Cranleigh and Guildford. PROBUS has no central organisation and the clubs are all locally run by a committee drawn from the membership.  The original founders in the 1960s recognised that many friendships were work based and after retirement there was a need to form new social links.


How do I join?  New members are usually introduced by an existing member and after three lunches can apply for full membership. Those new to the area or who do not know an existing member can be introduced by the secretary.


Is it expensive?  Once a member the annual subscription is £25. Then each lunch or event is optional. In our Godalming branch we usually have a two course meal each month cooked to a high standard on site and a top quality speaker and this costs £29.


Where do you meet?  We currently  meet at the Masonic Hall opposite the Inn on the Lake but have no other links to the Masons. A bar is available before our 12.30pm start and we aim to finish at 3pm. One advantage is the excellent parking.


How many members are there?  We have about 50 at the moment with the capacity to go up to about 70. When some years ago we had a waiting list a new club was started at Milford.


Is it very formal and is there a dress code? For our lunches we request jackets. Most members do still wear ties but these are optional. We do have a loyal toast during the lunch. However the club is run locally by members and we can make the rules to suit ourselves.


Are the talks any good?  Well we hope so! We have a speaker secretary and have a wide range of subjects.

Do have a look at our website for a lot more information and if you are interested in coming along please contact our Secretary.                      


More Questions?

Why not come along to one of our informal coffee mornings and have a chat to some of our members?  We meet at 1000 for an hour or so on the second Friday of every month at the Jack Phillips on the High Street.  There are usually 6 to 12 members there enjoying a coffee, having a chat and maybe having breakfast.  It's a great opportunity to find out more  about us and whether you would like to join.

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